Blue Monster eyes are looking at you

Blue Monster® Silver-Seal PTFE Thread Seal Tape

Professional-Grade PTFE Thread Seal Tape

Silver-Seal PTFE Thread Seal Tape blends with high-end finishes including chrome, stainless steel, and nickel, while creating dependable, leak-proof joints.

Mill-Rose Blue Monster Silver-Seal PTFE Thread Seal Tape

Mill-Rose Blue Monster® Silver-Seal PTFE Tape was developed specifically for creating dependable, leak-free joints on today's high-end plumbing fixtures made with chrome, stainless steel, and nickel finishes. The silver color of this professional-grade tape blends with high-end finishes minimizing any exposure. Unsightly thread seal tape previously exposed on high-end fixtures, cheapening their appearance, is a thing of the past.

Best of all, contractors can rely upon the sealing quality of Blue Monster Silver-Seal tape. Blue Monster is rugged, not flimsy like most thread seal tapes on the market. Blue Monster has not been stretched during the manufacturing process, so it is thicker and creates a more effective seal with less tape.

Blue Monster Silver-Seal tape is brought to you by Mill-Rose, the world's leading supplier of thread sealing tape and compounds.

Product Literature

Cat. # Size Case Pack Weight
70658 1/2" x 520" roll 30 3.0 lbs


Composition: 99.6% PTFE < 0.4% Pigment

Color: Silver

Thickness: 0.0035" +/- 10%

Density: 0.8g/cm3

Elongation: >100%

Tensile strength: 15N / mm2

Pressure rating: Blue Monster Silver-Seal Thread Sealing Tape has been used to seal ttings carrying water and oil at pressures up to 10,000 PSI or 69,000kPa

Temperature range: -450°F to +500°F (-268°C to +260°C) PTFE is completely stable up to +500°F or +260°C. Decomposition is slow up to 750°F or 400°C. Although decomposition will occur on contact with naked flames.

Chrome fittings and shower head

Mill-Rose Blue Monster Silver-Seal PTFE Thread Seal Tape retail display

Shower head wrapped with Mill-Rose Blue Monster Silver-Seal PTFE Thread Seal Tape